So when The East Room, the bar that is part of the Milk and Honey group which in a moment madness decided to make me a member, invited me and a guest to a tasting evening of the Ketel One Vodka I was more then a little intrigued.
Having only ever been to wine tastings before my partner in crime the Big D and I were unsure of the form for the evening. Does one sip? Quaff? Spit even? Fortunately we just drank, and drank, and drank. Several things were offered our way, the memory of which is a little hazy, but classic vodka martini, vodka sours, and a couple of wonderful grapefruit and lime based concoctions all hit the spot. We also agreed to do a 'blind' tasting comparing a 'common' brand, a premium brand, and finally Ketel, which, much to our hosts relief, we agreed was the best of the products on offer.
So what's actually good about it? Well the first vodka, which was a well known Swedish brand was like rocket fuel in 'nose' and to drink. The second, a premium French / American brand, was much smoother and palatable. But Ketel, actually had a taste, dare I say flavour which was pretty damned good.
However Big D wasn't so convinced and thought that I had succumbed to the power of suggestive marketing and ambience - the charming hosts dressed as thirties style gents, perfectly complemented the speakeasy nature of the East Room. And he may have a point, but I will say if I had to drink a straight vodka, Ketel would be first on my list.
Apparently the brand, which has been around for 300 years derives its unique flavour from the copper pots its fermented in. Exactly how that transpires into a good thing, I'm not sure. Nevertheless a nice little session, with a very nice and very big, vodka.
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