Braveheart, a man who would lay no claims to being brave but is at least Scottish, was out for beers so I took advantage of the opportunity to leave early and met him and his equally posh colleagues at The Telegraph - some 50 metres away from the 'riot'.
The Telegraph is nothing special per se, but it does benefit from a wonderful location on one of those rickety, albeit now modernised, little back streets that gives the city its character. The sun was shining, the drinks were flowing and our crowd of PR's, M&A's and other meaningless acronyms acted with the reckless abandon that so enrages our anti G20 Bretheren. At one stage a small group of protestors on bikes stumbled across the pub (goodness knows they wouldn't have sought it out deliberately) and proceeded to encircle me, jingling their bells in a stand off that evoked memories of the Miners Strikes. As done by Disney. We all smiled at each other, before I sought out the company of Braveheart while they toodled off into the sunshine. Oh what a riot.
I had good odds on that being the title of your next post! Do I win £5? :-)